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Hello! My name is Holly and I am the proud mother of twin girls. One of my girls, Tula, was diagnosed on the autism spectrum and we all began a long, oftentimes difficult but rewarding journey of healing. Understanding that everyone is different, I started this blog because I wanted to share my experience with others in case something that we did for Tula would help another child (or family). I am not a doctor, health expert or nutritionist. I'm just a mom that feels so incredibly grateful for all who helped Tula along the way in her recovery that I want to offer my experiences to those who share my past struggles. When I was going through this journey I felt very isolated. I also found myself frustrated with both the lack of information and the contradictions within the information that was available. As a result, it became a dream of mine to create a forum for parents of autistic children to share their experiences, victories, solutions and hope. This new "lifestyle" we live has not only helped Tula, it's helped the entire family. I have struggled with my health my whole life, starting with being diagnosed with kidney disease at a very young age and having my first kidney transplant at age 13, then a lymphoma diagnosis, and a second kidney transplant. Through Tula's experience, I understand the importance of a healthy microbiome and am so grateful she taught our whole family how to be the healthiest and best versions of ourselves we can be!



The content on this site includes nutritional, health and wellness information and is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding autism or any other medical condition. You should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or listened to on this site. 




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